Watering Objectives

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Environmental Watering Objectives for Major Ecological Components of Lachlan Wetlands

Wetland watering requirements are outlined in a number of documents including Davis et al 2001, Roberts and Marston (2000; 2011). These water requirements will be refined for Lachlan wetlands over time as more information becomes available through monitoring and evaluation, as part of the adaptive management process.
Environmental watering objectives and water requirements of the ecological components found in many lower Lachlan wetlands are outlined in the table below.

Watering Objectives Timing Inundation Duration Preferred Flooding Frequency
Maintain and restore River Red Gum forest June–November 5–7 months Every 1 to 3 years
Maintain and restore Black Box woodland June–November 2–4 months Every 3 to 5 years
Maintain and restore Lignum Less seasonal 3–8 months Every 2 to 8 years
Maintain and restore the Reed Bed Less seasonal 3–10 months Every 1 to 4 years
Provide flows to support moderate–large colonial waterbird breeding events June–November 4–6 months Every 3 to 4 years
Maintain and restore open water lagoons June–November 4–12 months Every 1 to 3 years
Maintain drought refuges for fish and waterbird habitat Less seasonal Permanent

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