In the Lachlan Catchment there are also nine regionally significant wetlands, four in the mid-Lachlan between Forbes and Lake Cargelligo (Burrawang West Lagoon, Lake Cargelligo, Mid Lachlan Floodplains and Anabranches, Yarnel Lagoon) and five below Lake Cargelligo (Baconian Swamp, Lake Ita, Moon Moon Swamp, Upper Merrowie Creek, Willandra Creek). Regionally significant wetlands are recognised in part on the basis of their meeting one of the five criteria below, which was developed for identifying a key (or priority) environmental asset in the Murray–Darling Basin Plan process.
- Water-dependent ecosystems of formally recognised significance (this includes JAMBA/CAMBA/ROKAMBA);
- Natural or near-natural, rare or unique water-dependent ecosystems;
- Water-dependent ecosystems that provide critical habitat;
- Water-dependent ecosystems that support threatened species and communities; or
- Water-dependent ecosystems that support significant biodiversity.
The locations of the regionally significant wetlands are illustrated in the map below (click on images to enlarge and open in new window).