This Resources store contains a reference list of the research publications and technical reports which informed the development of the Lachlan Environmental Water Management Plan (LEWMP).
The store also includes a comprehensive catalogue of background or contextual information on the Lachlan’s water-dependent ecosystems, for example, research, monitoring and evaluation projects in the Lachlan, as well as maps, a glossary of useful terms, photo galleries and videos.
- Publications: Contains both the (i) LEWMP Publications, which is a reference list of publications either summarised or directly referred to within the LEWMP, with an emphasis on Lachlan Catchment specific information; and (ii) General Publications, which references publications on issues or topics relevant to, or discussed within the LEWMP, but are based on information collated from outside of the Lachlan Catchment.
- Maps: A selection of spatial resources which inform environmental water planning in the Lachlan (i.e. hydrological relationships between rivers, creeks and wetlands) and/or illustrate ecological outcomes.
- Glossary: A list of key terms and abbreviations used in the LEWMP.
- Photos and Videos: A selection of historical and current images and short videos on the Lachlan’s wetlands, river and creek features, flora and fauna, management issues (e.g. carp) and aquatic-realted projects.
Some of these resources are available to download, however, if you experience any difficulties with accessing any resourcesor would like more information on how to request an unpublished item, please contact the Lachlan Riverine Working Group Executive Officer.