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LEWMP Publications

Armstrong, JL, Kingsford, RT & Jenkins, KM 2009, The effect of regulating the Lachlan River on the Booligal Wetlands: the floodplain Red Gum Swamps, Wetlands and Rivers, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of New South Wales, Kensington, NSW.

Barbour, EJ, Driver, PD, Kuczera, GA, Blakers, RS & Croke, BFW 2011, ‘Optimizing environmental flow rules – a conceptual model’, MODSIM2011: 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, Perth, Australia, pp. 3994–4000.

Barma Water Resources in association with Thurtell, L & Wettin, P 2011, Environmental Water Delivery: Lachlan River, report prepared for Commonwealth Environmental Water, Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Canberra, ACT.

Baumgartner, LJ, Reynoldson, N, & Gilligan, DM 2006, Mortality of larval Murray Cod Maccullochella peelii peelii and Golden Perch Macquaria ambigua associated with passage through two types of low-head weirs, Marine and Freshwater Research, vol. 57, pp.187–191.

Benson, JS, 2006, New South Wales Classification and Assessment: Introduction – the classification, database, assessment of protected areas and threat status of plant communities, Cunninghamia, vol. 9, no. 3, 329–450.

Brady, A, Shaikh, M, King, A, Ross, J & Sharma, P 1998, The Great Cumbung Swamp: assessment of water requirements, NSW Department of Land and Water Conservation, Sydney, NSW.

Brandis, K, Nairn, L, Porter, J, and Kingsford R 2009, Preliminary assessment for the environmental water requirements of waterbird species in the Murray Darling Basin, Australian Wetlands and Rivers School of Biological, Environmental and Earth Sciences, University of New South Wales, Kensington, NSW.

Briggs, SV & Maher, MT 1985, Limnological studies of waterfowl habitat in south-western New South Wales. II. Aquatic macrophyte productivity, Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, vol. 36, pp.707–715.

Brinson, MM & Rheinhardt R 1996, The Role of Reference Wetlands in Functional Assessment and Mitigation, Ecological Applications, vol. 6, no.1, pp.69–76.

Burton, C, & Raisin, G 2001, ‘A preliminary assessment of the altered water temperature regime of the Lachlan River, Central West, NSW’, in B Phillips (eds), Thermal pollution of Murray-Darling Basin Waterways, Workshop held at Lake Hume, 18–19 June 2001, Inland Rivers Network and World Wide Fund For Nature, Sydney, pp. 77–85.

Driver, PD, Chowdhury, S, Hameed, T, O’Rourke, M & Shaikh, M 2010, ‘Ecosystem response models for lower Calare (Lachlan River) floodplain wetlands: managing wetland biota and climate change modelling’, in I Overton & N Saintilan (eds), Ecosystem response modelling in the Murray–Darling Basin, CSIRO Publishing, pp. 183–196.

Chowdhury, S & Driver, P 2007, ‘An ecohydrological model of waterbird nesting events to altered floodplain hydrology’, MODSIM2007: International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, Christchurch, New Zealand, pp. 2896–2902.

CRCFE 1995, Billabongs, Floodplains and River Health, Cooperative Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology, Albury.

CSIRO 2007, Climate change in the Lachlan Catchment, report prepared for the New South Wales Government by the CSIRO, Australia.

CSIRO 2008, Water availability in the Lachlan, a report to the Australian Government from the CSIRO Murray–Darling Basin Sustainable Yields Project, CSIRO, Canberra, ACT.

Davis, JA, Froend, RH, Hamilton, DP, Horwitz, P, McComb, AJ & Oldham, CE 2001, Environmental water requirements to maintain wetlands of national and international importance, Environmental Flows Initiative Technical Report number 1, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra, ACT.

Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water NSW 2010, State of the Catchments 2010: Wetlands Lachlan region, Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water (DECCW), Sydney South, NSW.

Driver, P, O’Rourke, M, Robinson, M, Jones, J & Raisin, G 2003, Great Cumbung Swamp water balance assessment, draft final report to NSW Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources, Central West Region, Forbes, NSW.

Driver, P, Barbour, E & Michener, K 2011, ‘An integrated surface water, groundwater and wetland plant model of drought response and recovery for environmental water management’, MODSIM2011: 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, Perth, Australia, pp. 2444–2450.

Driver, PD, Chowdhury, S, Hameed, T, O’Rourke, M & Shaikh, M 2010, ‘Ecosystem response models for lower Calare (Lachlan River) floodplain wetlands: managing wetland biota and climate change modelling’, in I Overton & N Saintilan (eds), Ecosystem response modelling in the Murray–Darling Basin, CSIRO Publishing, pp. 183–196.

Driver, PD, Chowdhury, S, Hameed, T, & Shaikh, M 2008, ‘Ecosystem response modelling in the lower Lachlan’, a presentation given at the CSIRO workshop Ecosystem response modelling in the Murray–Darling Basin, Waterview Conference Centre, Sydney Olympic Park, Sydney, 5–6 November 2008.

Driver, PD, Chowdhury, S, Wettin, P & Jones, H 2005, ‘Models to predict the effects of environmental flow releases on wetland inundation and the success of colonial bird breeding in the Lachlan River, NSW’, Proceedings of the 4th Annual Stream Management Conference, Launceston, Australia.

Driver, PD, Hameed, T, Smith, A, Wettin, P & Raisin, G 2005, ‘Rehabilitation of wetland inundation regimes in the Lachlan River, NSW, Australia: achievements and ongoing challenges’, Proceedings of the 8th International River Symposium, Brisbane, Australia.

Gehrke, PC, Brown, P, Schiller, C B, Moffatt, DB & Bruce, AM 1995, River regulation and fish communities in the Murray–Darling River system, Australia, Regulated Rivers: Research and Management vol.10, 15–38.

Hope M 2003,  ‘Lachlan Catchment Irrigation Profile’ Dubbo, NSW: Water Use Efficiency Advisory Unit, Department of Primary Industries NSW Agriculture.

Howard-Williams, C 1985, Cycling and retention of nitrogen and phosphorus in wetlands: a theoretical and applied perspective, Freshwater Biology, vol. 15, 391–431.

Humphries, P, Serafini, LG & King, JA 2002, River regulation and fish larvae: variation through space and time, Freshwater Biology, vol. 47, 1307–1331.

Jenkins, KM 2006, Links between flow, aquatic productivity and diversity: setting rehabilitation targets for regulated floodplain wetlands, Final report to State Wetland Advisory Committee, University of New England, Armidale, NSW, Australia.

Jenkins, KM, Asimus, M, Ryder, D & Wolfenden, BJ 2004, ‘Fish, water quality and macroinvertebrates in the Macquarie Marshes in the winter and spring of 2003’, Report to MMMC, DEC (NPWS) and DIPNR, University of New England, Armidale, NSW.

Kingsford, RT, Thomas, RF & Wong, PS 1996, Significant wetlands for waterbirds in the Murray-Darling Basin, report to the Murray-Darling Basin Commission, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, Sydney.

Kingsford, RT, Brandis, K, Thomas, R, Chriton, P, Knowles, E, & Gale, E 2003,  The Distribution of Wetlands in New South Wales, Hurstville, NSW: NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service.

Kingsford, RT & Auld KM 2005, ‘Waterbird breeding and environmental flow management in the Macquarie Marshes, arid Australia’, River Research and Applications, vol. 21, pp.187–200.

Lachlan Catchment Management Authority, 2006, Lachlan Catchment Action Plan 2006, Lachlan Catchment Management Authority, Forbes, NSW.

LRMC 2003, Water Sharing Plan for the Lachlan Regulated River, Lachlan River Management Committee, NSW Government, Sydney, NSW.

Lachlan Valley Water 2010, Submission to the Standing Committee for Regional Australia on the socio-economic impacts of The Guide to the Murray-Darling Basin Plan December 2010, Lachlan Valley Water, Forbes, NSW.

Maltby, E 1991, ‘Wetlands and their value’, in Wetlands (Eds. C.M. Finlayson and M. Moser). International Waterfowl and Wetlands Research Bureau (IWRB), Hong Kong.

Marchant, SM & Higgins, PJ 1990, Handbook of Australian, New Zealand and Antarctic Birds, vol 1A, Oxford University Press.

NSWWRC 1993, ‘Our Water: a review of the current status of the water resources of New South Wales and the key issues relevant to their future development’. NSW Water Resources Council, Sydney.

NSW Department of Primary Industries 2006a, Reducing the impact of weirs on aquatic habitat: New South Wales detailed weir review, Lachlan CMA region, report to the New South Wales Environmental Trust, NSW Department of Primary Industries, Flemington, NSW.

NSW Department of Primary Industries 2006b, The identification, assessment and prioritisation of threatening processes to the aquatic environment of the lower Lachlan catchment, report to the Lachlan Catchment Management Authority,  NSW Department of Primary Industries, Sydney, NSW.

NSW Fisheries Scientific Committee 2005, Final recommendation, aquatic ecological community in the natural drainage system of the lowland catchment of the Lachlan River, NSW Department of Primary Industries, Sydney, NSW.

NSW Office of Water 2010, Implementation program for the Water Sharing Plan for the Lachlan Regulated River Water Source, January 2009–June 2014, in Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales no.30, Strategic Communications and Government Advertising, Sydney, pp.583–602.

O’Brien, PE & Burne, RV 1994, The Great Cumbung Swamp: Terminus of the Low Gradient Lachlan River, Eastern Australia, Journal of Australian Geology and Geophysics, vol. 15, no. 20, pp. 223–233.

Oliver, DL & Parker, DG 2006, ‘Woodland Birds of the NSW Central Murray Catchment: Measuring outcomes of the Greening Australia fencing and tree-planting program’, a report for Birds Australia.
Outhet, D 2011, Lachlan Valley River Styles®, report to Lachlan Catchment Management Authority by NSW Office of Water River Styler, Forbes, NSW.

Pressey, RL, Bell, FC, Barker, J, Rundle, AS & Belcher, CA 1984, Bio-physical features of the Lachlan-Murrumbidgee confluence, south-western New South Wales, a report prepared for the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service.

Roberts, J 2007, Condition assessment of Murrumbidgil Swamp: benchmarking and recommending a method for long-term monitoring, a report to the NSW Riverbank Programme, report JR/2007, Canberra, ACT.

Sharley, T & Huggan, C (eds.) 1994, ‘Murray-Darling Basin Floodplain Wetlands Management: proceedings of the Floodplain Wetlands Management Workshop’, Albury NSW 20–22 October 1992, Murray-Darling Basin Commission, Canberra.

State Water Corporation 2014, Completed fish passage, viewed 29 January 2014, <>.

Thurtell, L, McKenzie-McHarg, A & Raisin, G 2003, Lachlan Lower Lakes Water Quality Investigation, Central West Region, NSW Department of Sustainable Natural Resources, Forbes, NSW.

University of Canberra 2008, Ecological Character Description of the Lower Lachlan Floodplain Wetlands, a report to the NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change, Riverine Landscapes Laboratory, University of Canberra.

Wassens, S 2005, ‘The use of space by the endangered Southern Bell Frog (Litoria raniformis) in the semi-arid region of New South Wales, Australia’. M.Sc. Thesis. Thesis submitted to Charles Sturt University, Bachelor of Applied Science (Environmental Science) Honours.

Wassens, S, Arnaiz, OL & Watts, RJ 2007, Assessing the diversity, abundance and hydrological requirements of frog populations at ‘Burrawang West’ and ‘Yarnel’ Lagoons, two small wetlands on anabranch creeks of the mid-Lachlan River, a report prepared for the Department of Environment, Conservation and Climate Change New South Wales, Institute of Land, Water and Society, School of Environmental Sciences Charles Sturt University, Albury, NSW.

Wettin, P, Driver, P, Maher, M & Thurtell, L 2007, ‘Environmental flows on the Lachlan River—20 years of policy, science and adaptive management’, Proceedings of the 10th International River Symposium, Brisbane, Australia.

General Publications

Baumgartner, L 2007, The Downstream Mortality of Native Fish Project, brochure prepared by the NSW Department of Primary Industries (Brochure No. 8161) as part of a project funded by the Murray Darling Basin Commission (Project No. MD744).

Baumgartner, L, Conallin, J, Wooden, I, Campbell, B, Gee, R, Robinson, WA & Mallen-Cooper, M 2013, ‘Using flow guilds of freshwater fish in an adaptive management framework to simplify environmental flow delivery for semi-arid riverine systems’, Fish and Fisheries, vol. 14, no.2.

CSIRO 2001, Climate change projections for Australia, Climate Impact Group, CSIRO Atmospheric Research, Melbourne, VIC.

Gehrke, PC, Gilligan, DM, & Barwick, M 2002, Changes in fish communities of the Shoalhaven River 20 years after construction of Tallowa Dam, Australia, River Research and Applications, vol. 18, pp.265–286.

Geoscience Australia 2012, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra ACT, viewed 27 January 2014, <>.

Hamstead, M 2007, What is ‘environmental water’?, Proceedings of the 5th Australian Stream Management Conference, Australian rivers: making a difference, Thurgoona, NSW.

Land and Water Australia 2007, Defining ‘environmental flows’, Theme: environmental water allocation, fact sheet 1, Commonwealth of Australia, Land and Water Australia, Canberra, ACT.

Lukasiewicz, A, Finlayson, MC, & Pittock, J 2013, Identifying low risk climate change adaptation: a case study of the Lachlan Catchment Management Authority Report No. 75, report to the Lachlan Catchment Management Authority by Charles Sturt University Institute for Land, Water and Society, Australian National University and National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility, Albury, NSW.

Milligan, A (ed.) 2009, Emerging practice in active environmental water management in Australia: report and background paper from workshop discussions among practising environmental water managers, eWater CRC and the National Water Commission, Canberra, ACT.

Pethebridge, R, Lugg, A, & Harris, J 1998, Obstructions to fish passage in New South Wales south coast streams, Final Report Series 4, Cooperative Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology & NSW Fisheries, Cronulla, NSW.

Roberts, J & Marston F 2011, Water regime for wetland and floodplain plants: a source book for the Murray–Darling Basin, National Water Commission, Canberra, Act.

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