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Lachlan Riverine Working Group & Our Achievements

The Lachlan Environmental Water Management Plan

This website describes the Lachlan Environmental Water Management Plan and the role of the Lachlan Riverine Working Group in the cooperative management, and efficient and effective delivery of environmental water in the Lachlan Valley.
read more about the Lachlan Riverine Working Group →

Our Achievements

  • NSW Green Globe Winner 2012
  • Finalist in national Banksia Environmental Awards 2012

read more about the achievements of the Lachlan Riverine Working Group →

Lachlan Riverine Working Group

The LRWG has been formed to coordinate the appropriate distribution of Environmental Flows. The LRWG provides regular updates on environmental watering in the Lachlan through its newsletters.
read more about the distribution of Environmental Flows →

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What is environmental water & how is it managed?

In simple terms, environmental water is a share of water which is specifically and purposefully managed by humans to benefit the environment by either reserving water or releasing volumes into rivers, creeks and wetlands. The Lachlan Riverine Working Group (LRWG) acts in an advisory capacity to manage environmental water in the Lachlan, assisting with the implementation of the Lachlan Environmental Watering Management Plan (LEWMP) and Lachlan Annual Environmental Water Plan.

Lachlan Riverine Environmental Water Management Plan

The LEWMP assists in the delivery of environmental water through setting priorities based on important ecological, cultural and social values. The wetlands selected as priority for delivery of environmental water include those recognised as nationally and regionally important, providing good examples of wetland types associated with lowland rivers. In managing significant wetlands, consideration is given to how environmental water can also benefit key riverine assets, functions and values.

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