Moon Moon Swamp

Moon Moon State Forest after recent inundation due to environmental water (Image: Daniel Rothenfluh, CEWO, 11 July 2013)
Moon Moon Swamp is part of Moon Moon State Forest, located upstream of Booligal Swamp.
The swamp is approximately 330 ha in size when full but when taking into account the wider floodplain area associated with the swamp, is approximately 8200 ha. It has been selected as regionally significant wetland because of the important ecological role it has supporting major bird breeding events thereby providing important habitat for animal taxa at a vulnerable stage in their life cycles. Some important species associated with Moon Moon Swamp include River Red Gum, River Cooba, Black Box, and Western Grey Box (Eucalyptus microcarpa). Currently no control structures are available for diverting water into the swamp.