Burrawang West Lagoon
This small wetland (around 21 ha) located near the junctions of Goobang and Yarrabandai creeks has become a relocation site for Purple-spotted Gudgeon (Mogurnda adspersa). . It has been selected as a regionally significant wetland as important habitat for animal taxa at a vulnerable stage in their life cycles, and provides a refuge when adverse conditions such as drought prevail. It also supports an animal taxa considered endangered or vulnerable at the national level including the Barking Owl (Ninox connivens), Superb Parrot (Polytelis swainsonii) and Brolga (Grus rubicunda). A regulator has been constructed on the off-take to the lagoon from the Bumbuggan Creek which now enables more variable and natural water levels in the lagoon. It is currently considered in good condition, the lagoon area has been fenced and is under covenant and a willow removal program has been conducted.