Murrumbidgil Swamp is a wetland of national significant and lies on Merrimajeel Creek, which is one of several distributaries from the lower Lachlan River on the Lachlan alluvial fan.
Research starting in the mid-late 1970s established how River Red Gums drive the ecology of Murrumbidgil Swamp,and the Office of Environment and Heritage has recenlt commissioned Jane Roberts to complete the Murrumbidgil, Tarwong and Bullogal condition assessments.
The assessments started in 2007 with the collection of baseline condition information and methodology.
This was done because Murrumbidgil Swamp is able to receive environmental water under the NSW RiverBank program. Benchmarking Murrumbidgil Swamp and tracking its responses to delivered RiverBank water is needed in order to document the effectiveness of delivering a certain volume of water.